Shareen Beswick writes: AT the January meeting of Kimpton Parish Council affordable housing and proposals for developing the land between Deacon Road and Cow Lane weere again raised.

The owner of the land and his planning consultant were seeking support in principle for their proposals to provide a housing development with added social and community benefit. However, as they had not yet responded to queries raised by the council, in August 2007, and had not given timely notice of their attendance at the meeting, discussion was deferred to a future meeting.

Other topics discussed were: Rights of way: The council was disappointed that arrangements made for a team from community services to clear overgrown vegetation from Cow Lane had fallen through without notice, and attempts to contact the co-ordinator to rearrange a date had failed. Cllr Steve Payne volunteered to ask a local resident to undertake the work.

The Ox Drove was still almost impassable to pedestrians. The clerk would contact the rights of way officer to check progress about clearing the track.

Highways: Hampshire Highways had agreed to repair the road surface at the junction of Highview Lane and Deacon Road and the road surface by the village green where it was breaking up and causing ponding. They would also improve the turning area in Cow Lane.

Village questionnaire: Copies of the village questionnaire would be distributed to all residents in Kimpton early in February, with a deadline of 29 February for completed forms.

The questionnaire would include a section on housing as residents' views were being particularly sought about affordable housing and on having a mixed housing development with added social and community benefit.

In view of the poor response to a previous questionnaire, the council hoped that as many residents as possible would respond.

Village green: The council was frustrated that remedial work on the village green had been undertaken by the contractors without notice, despite efforts to arrange a site meeting to discuss exactly what needed to be done.

The project manager had been contacted and a site meeting with Hampshire Highways requested.

Grants: A grant of £600 for the purchase of two new goal posts for the playing field had been received from the Hampshire County Councillor's delegated fund.

Next meeting: The next council meeting will be on 25 March and members of the public are welcome to attend.