WINCHESTER residents will have their say on Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service's proposals to 'reshape' its services tomorrow, writes Michael Carr.

The first of a series of public meetings, part of three-month consultation over proposed changes, will be held at the Level 10 Resource Church, Stanmore Lane on Wednesday.

The service is holding consultations in cities including Winchester as they look to save £12 million by cutting 215 jobs.

There are two proposals put forward for the future of Winchester's fire fighting capabilities.

Option one sees the number of immediate fire fighters reduced by half from 28 during the day, and there will be no immediate fire fighters overnight at all, while the number of on-call fire fighters will increase from 12 to 14 both day and night.

The average first response time is expected to increase by four and a half minutes.

Option two sees the number of immediate fire fighters reduced by half from 28 during the day, with two immediate fire fighters overnight. Meanwhile the number of on-call fire fighters reduce from 12 to 10 both day and night.

Both options one and two see of one of the traditional engines replaced with a first response vehicle.

Any member of the public is welcome to come and pose questions about the proposals from 6.30pm to 9pm.

Full details of the proposals, including the full consultation document, can be viewed here. An online survey can also be completed.

The consultation period ends on December 4.