THERE have been many words written about the ‘wretched cycle path on Weyhill Road’.

Alan Turner and I have been very vocal because we do care about what goes on in our neighbourhood. We would rather speak out than complain to everyone else.

At long last a councillor (Tony Hooke) has taken some positive action on our behalf.

Many thanks, Tony, for your support – you have proven your worth since your election.

What you have shown so far in your political career is what a true political representative should be doing.

You and UKIP have won me over from being a life-long Conservative supporter.

Cllrs Zilliah Brooks, Sandra Hawke and Ian Robin, of Millway Ward, have taken an interest in what is going on in Harrowway Ward – hurray.

Had they read all the correspondence in the Advertiser carefully they would have recognised that the authors of various letters are abundantly aware of the fact that Hampshire County Council is responsible for the project but Test Valley Borough Council is undertaking the work on its behalf.

What they could have done is to canvass on the reversal of the plans on our behalf.

We all know that the wretched cycle path will happen, because we, the electorate, do not matter and the elected will choose what they think is best for us – it happens at ALL levels of government.

They do not need to consult with the users of the proposed cycle path, pavement or roadway so what consultations are our Millway Road councillors referencing?

Once again, thanks Tony Hooke, perhaps you could run some classes to teach other existing councillors what being a people’s representative is all about.

Hopefully members of the voting community will remember at election time who works on their behalf and deserves their vote.

Keith Cezair, Cheavley Close, Andover