AND so another 350 houses are now to be built at Augusta Park (Advertiser, 20 February), bringing the originally planned 1,750 ever closer to 3,000.

Having attended and spoken against the plans at the meeting I was disappointed by the poor quality of the debate. Far too many councillors were absent and too few of those there made any comment at all.

Councillors who can spend hours debating minor changes to a country cottage seemed tongue-tied when it came to a massive new development in the town. Councillors who have previously promised to “speak up and make sure residents’ views are heard” barely commented. Promises to oppose increased housing in the area were quietly forgotten.

What is becoming clear is that the plan to concentrate all Test Valley’s housing development on one side of Andover is beginning to look flawed.

Rather than admit and deal with this councillors just give in every time the developers ask for more.

Len Gates, Linton Drive, Andover