I AM 71 years old and have lived at the address below for 50 years.

I was so delighted to have three young gentlemen cutting down the four foot high nettles and grass in our court between Thames and Test recently.

Unfortunately, all the weeds were left, so the next day I spent the afternoon cleaning up as best I could, collecting nine bags of waste! I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to phone the council and Aster – no one available.

I happened to meet a nice young man called Neil cutting back the weedsalong thealley between River Way and Cricketers Way, working for the council making it look so tidy. He was taking pride in his work, working alone to make Andover a better place.

Does councillor Carr respect and appreciate our hedge cleaners, dustbin men and litter pickers working for a pittance, while he enjoys his pay rise along with his colleagues while people like Neil are working hard.

I would love for Cllr Ian Carr to take a walk around our estates now and again to see what’s really going on.

Let him meet the workers face on. I wonder if Cllr Carr could advise me who (and how) I could get in touch with someone to collect my nine bags of waste.

Doreen Buit, Thames Court, River Way, Andover


Editor’s note: The 2.5 per cent pay rise reported by the Advertiser on 26 June was for TVBC officers, not councillors.

Elected councillors, including the leader Cllr Ian Carr, are entitled to a “basic allowance” as well as special responsibility allowances for extra roles