IT IS always a pleasure for Andover Lipreaders to have their annual cake and coffee fundraiser opened by the reigning Andover Carnival Princess and Prince.

However, this year, those young ambassadors – Princess Paris York, Prince Corey Brooker and their attendants Tia Heaton and Tilly Pritchett – went beyond the call of duty after having completed the formal opening.

They stayed and helped with the clearing up.

They were a delight to have with us as they chatted away with everyone and anyone.

Cake gorging raised £201.20.

Finally, we were especially pleased to be visited by the Mayor of Test Valley and her consort who are very supportive of our efforts to maintain free lipreading classes in Andover.

For information on managing a hearing loss, contact Barrie Wickens by text only on 07984 721990 or at lipreadbarrie@

Barrie Wickens, Andover