THE Reverend Andrew Ashdown gave an interesting talk on the complexities of the Syrian conflict at The Rendevous in Union Street recently telling of his own journeys to that troubled zone and its long suffering citizens.

He will be visiting Syria again and we all wished him well in his endeavours.

Secondly I was sorry to learn that Brian Mellor had passed away. Like myself he was involved in the campaign for a town council in Andover and when he stood for election in 2010 he came within about 30 votes of victory, but not as close as David Borrett who came six votes short.

Finally in response to an earlier letter from Kevin O’Leary not all of the Conservatives were totally opposed to a town council. Cllr Phil North said he would support it if the voters wanted it and Cllr David Drew supported the idea until the majority of his Millway Road constituents voted against.

Richard J Kidd, Danegeld Close, Andover