AT the January meeting of Abbotts Ann Parish Council, the clerk reported two moles had been caught in the burial ground. Churchyard paths had been cleaned and treated with moss-killer. The following topics were discussed:

Telephone kiosk: Cllr Lorna Haigh said voting for the preferred use of the kiosk would be extended by one week. Forms were in the shop and on-line. Councillors discussed options for replacing the discoloured perspex in the door. The cheapest solution was to try to remove the door themselves.

The Green: A representative of Abbotts Ann Green Action (AAGA) explained proposals for improvements to The Green. These had already been circulated to the council. It was agreed to start by moving the wildflower meadow from the burial ground as soon as possible. A fence would be erected to protect the new meadow from dogs, and a dog bin provided. Councillors resolved to set aside around £2,800 for this part of the project.

Cllr Dale Wells said that following conversations with residents of Manor Close it appeared there was some opposition to the idea of a ‘stumpery’, as it could become unsightly. Lorna Haigh suggested an artist’s impression of the proposals be produced for the parish magazine. She asked if AAGA would look after the wildflower meadow. The AAGA representative hoped help would be available.

Test Valley Borough Council: Lorna Haigh asked borough councillor Maureen Flood to comment on the recent borough council’s planning control meeting, at which Goodman’s application for relaxation of traffic restrictions at the Andover business park had been approved. Lorna said she had spoken at the meeting, objecting to the application on behalf of the parish council. Cllr Susie Bleeker thought the application should have been refused, particularly since the park’s number-plate recognition system had not been working. She considered the approval a very poor decision by the borough council. Other parish councillors concurred.

Planning: Cllr Tim Abram said the council needed a list of trees in the parish so that preservation orders could be reviewed. Cllr Andrew Hayter, chairman, advised that if a tree with a TPO were felled, the owners could be compelled to replace it.

Burial Ground Committee: Andrew Hayter reported on the updating of the burial ground regulations and fees. Susie Bleeker emphasised that plot reservation fees were non-refundable.

Correspondence: A resident had raised the subject of Red Post Lane. Councillors agreed it was a dangerous rat-run. Tim Abram considered it probably did not fulfil the requirements for having a speed restriction, and did not think a ‘slow down’ sign would be approved by the highways department on a road with the national speed limit. Andrew suggested writing to the county councillor about village drainage problems and potholes, and also to ask if Red Post Lane could be re-classified.

Finance: Councillors agreed to allocate £3,000 for the purchase and siting of a container. The fête committee’s equipment could then be removed from the sports’ club implement shed, making room for the mowing machinery to be stored under cover.

Strategic Plan: Lorna Haigh referred to projects summarised in the Abbotts Ann Vision Action Plan. She suggested each councillor take on a portfolio of topics. They could then become expert in their own particular subjects and ensure progress was maintained. Subject headings offered included transport, communication, housing, trees and footpaths. The chairman asked if councillors had any preferences. Individuals volunteered to assume responsibility for specific sectors that interested them.

Next meeting: 2 February Rosemary Groves