THE borough council meeting on March 30 at the Baptist Church for people to have their say about the pool closure was a farce.

Borough councillors didn’t give a jot about the people of Andover.

Three minutes’ talk time was allocated to Joe Public.

How the hell can three minutes be enough?

What came out of certain councillors’ mouths was totally unnecessary.

One referred to himself as not interested in wasting time walking on the spot in Lycra. Just shows how low Andover people are in their priorities.

So many people affected. So many children affected.

Leave the pool for Christ’s sake. Close it when the ‘pop up’ pool is up and running.

The hall was full of people wanting the council to take notice but to no avail.

We people need the pool for health reasons, the schools need the pool as part of the curriculum. Help us save our pool. The people of Andover were NOT consulted. Half the staff still don’t know if they have security in a job. So badly organised.

Bev Campbell, Andover Leisure Centre action group, Caesar Close, Andover