THE Leisure Centre is now more than 40 years old and its ability to meet the needs of a growing population is limited.

The Council has looked at various options for replacing or refurbishing it and has commissioned work from external consultants to test the various options.

In 2015, having looked at the cost and practicality of these various options, the Council agreed that the preferred option would be a ‘new sports and leisure centre’.

The facility mix agreed was a 50m swimming pool, a 12 court hall, four squash courts, a fitness gym with studios, a hydrotherapy pool and other state of the art facilities.

Have I happened upon a lost TVBC consultation paper?

No! The above is an extract from a Winchester City Council paper with reference to their outdated River Park Leisure Centre.

The Conservatives, for decades have had ‘unrestricted domination’ of TVBC. This perennial dictatorship has manifested itself by the arrogant way the recently resigned CEO, and his cohort, have run roughshod over the wishes of the rate paying citizens of Test Valley by their recent despicable and insulting decision over the tenure and quality of Andover’s Leisure Centre. £800,000 for a temporary swimming pool!

On May 4 I urge the residents of Andover and surrounding districts to forget about party loyalties, and vote for candidates who are willing to fight tooth and nail to get this pathetic offering put on hold.

Mr Skinner, Bishops Way, Andover.