LAST month the Rainbow flag flew above the Guildhall as a symbol that as a community we support the rights of all people and we recognise the particular struggle that the LGBT+ community has faced over the years.

Given this correct show of support by the borough council, I was shocked and appalled at the insensitive comments made by TVBC Cllr Daniel Busk in a recent borough council meeting, as reported in the Advertiser on 2 March.

After trying to make a woeful joke about gender he offered a bumbling apology and made the slur worse by saying that Trans people are ‘illogical’. This is at best ignorant.

It is my firm belief that Cllr Busk is unable to represent the people of Broughton and Stockbridge adequately when holding such views.

I am proud that Andover Town Council and TVBC jointly funded an LGBT+ Youth Support group recently.

This support group will give young people a safe place to work out who they are, particularly when faced with views, such as Cllr Busk’s.

We have a Tory borough council that simply does not listen to the views of the residents. We have had the leisure centre debacle, the George Yard car park toilets debacle and now these views, espoused and unchallenged by any of the members of the local Tory party. It is time we finally got rid of this out of touch, out of date, floundering and self-serving council and elected people who recognise all people are equal and all are deserving of respect and to be listened to.

There is a wonderful proverb about walking a mile in someone’s shoes before jumping to judgement, I suggest Cllr Busk reflect on this proverb — it may be good for everyone.

Cllr Andy Fitchet, Camelot Close, Andover.