IN POLITICS it’s often the case that you find yourself on the losing side of an argument.

I’ve found this to both my cost and my education over the years.

In her letter Joanne Coole (letters, 13 April) rehearses the arguments of her and her husband’s campaign to oppose the demolition of the George Yard toilet block. In doing so she chooses to misquote and misrepresent various people, not least myself.

This misrepresentation is most pertinently described by the ‘Save Andover Toilets’ petition. Those who set up and promoted the petition suggested the council was removing all public toilets in Andover. This, of course, was not the case, public toilet provision remains in the town alongside the enhanced community toilet scheme.

I am aware of a number of those who signed the petition who, upon having the nature of the changes explained to them, confirmed they would not have done so had they understood the true situation.

In contrast the petitions in favour of a ‘Changing Places Toilet’ in Andover town centre and in opposition to the closure of Marks and Spencer, to which Joanne refers inher letter, were clear, focussed and transparent. That is why the council took notice.

By repeating their argument around the closure and demolition of the George Yard toilet block, David and Joanne Coole show they have as yet failed to move on from the disappointment of losing the debate. When they no doubt put themselves forward for election as Lib Dem candidates on 2 May next year it may be the case that disappointment also follows.

I hope they can learn to move on from disappointment if that is the outcome.

Cllr Nick Adams-King, deputy leader, Test Valley Borough Council