INSURANCE payouts are at a record level in respect of car repairs due to the numerous potholes.

Have you noticed that the white spray can man (what a waste of time and our money) always paints a square configuration around any pothole that he deems needing attention?

He must realise that all square pothole repairs have a short lifespan and will start to crack at the corners, thus producing four smaller potholes.

What happens to small potholes? They get bigger! So where one pothole existed four would replace it in no time.

The answer is to educate the white spray can man to paint around any pothole with a circular configuration. This would ensure that the tarmac filling would last longer as the pressure from within the repair would be constant all the way around the circular patchwork.

But why do we need a white spray can man with their legalised, untidy graffiti? Surely the boys with the black stuff can see what needs to be done. It seems a little offensive to suggest that they are not bright enough to do their job without painted lines to show them where to repair.

One look at any road in Andover and it is so very obvious.

John Porter, Millway Road, Andover