IT is now almost two years since the council paid lip service to the issue of the location of the war memorial at one of its cabinet meetings.

And yet, as Irene Williams’ letter of last week proves, despite Ian Carr declaring the matter closed, the people of Andover think differently and continue to hold the debate through the pages of this newspaper.

Ms Williams’ letter is in no way unique.

There have been countless others published on the subject, from both sides of the debate, both before and since the Advertiser’s online poll showed an overwhelming majority of those that took part in the survey favoured seeing the memorial returned to the High Street.

But there is an easy way to prove whether Ms Williams, or people like myself – who wish to see it returned, hold the majority view... and that is to consult the people of Andover.

Unfortunately, despite Ms Williams’ claims of mass support to leave it where it is, the council and others with the power to end the debate once and for all will not allow everyone to have a say.

I believe that this is because that vocal minority which wishes it to be left out of the way in the churchyard know that the people of Andover will, if given the chance, vote in favour of putting it back where it belongs.

Otherwise, why have they not consulted on the matter, when they are so quick to do so on other, less important issues (ie public art)?

It’s strange how those that want to see it returned to the town centre are asking for people to be consulted, regardless of their views, whilst those that wish it to remain where it is stubbornly refuse to listen to anyone who holds a different view from their own!

If Ms Williams is so sure that her views are those of the majority in the town perhaps she will back the calls for a public consultation on the matter?

After all, if she is right, and Andoverians want it left where it is, then that will be the end of the matter.

Just one final point, I personally find it sad to think that some people care more for the once-ayear spectacle of the Christmas light switch-on, than the heritage of the town.

If you want to attract people to Andover it is going to be because of its history (as well as its shopping), not the instant gratification of ‘bread and circuses’.

Bob Roberts, Millway Road, Andover