THIS letter is directed at the handful of young men riding their bicycles on the pavement at speed along Station Approach on the evening of Monday, 24 March.

The riders reached the top of Station Approach just as the train from Waterloo arrived at 7pm and without a thought for our safety or their own, ploughed right through the group of passengers walking down the hill, scattering the crowd, hitting myself and possibly others in the process.

I wonder how these young men would feel if they saw a cyclist ride straight into their mother, father, brother or sister.

I wonder, would they be disgusted by the way their family member had been treated?

I wish these young men luck in the future and I hope that they have the good fortune to mature into polite, considerate and successful adults.

Moreover, I hope that in the future they look back at their conduct on Monday and feel at least a hint of embarrassment.

Name and address supplied.