OMG! Knock me down with a feather! Sir George Young has spoken for ‘us’ in the Commons? (Advertiser, 5 September).

I smell a rat! So I read further.

Sir George said: “The ugliest building in Andover is the Andover Health Centre...” They want rid of it, apparently.

Oh, I begin to see. Building!

Get it? That’s right – loads of wonga! But not for you or me, that we know, but what happened to the normal way it’s done around these parts?

The ‘mysterious’ fire first!

Advertiser front page: ‘Pub’s future uncertain’ (Lamb, 400 years old).

Be wise and think about it.

Building – the thing to do is do the canteen bit for a while (£200,000 for a canteen, hmmm... a bit pricey! But knock it down in the near future. I’m sure Test Valley Borough Council will give planning permission) then build new office block with ‘needed’ bigger canteen of course.

Two hundred thousand pounds becomes two or three million.

And another part of old Andover goes west!

Russell Tarrant, Andover.