ON the morning of Christmas Day 2014 I stood in the window of my nice warm hotel room in Torquay.

Down below me trudged a solitary figure. He was not shuffling but walking reasonably upright – a young man. On his back he carried his rucksack and bed-roll. I felt sorry for him and reflected on how lucky I was to be indoors at that time.

This sad lonely person probably cannot claim benefits or vote, since he has no address.

There are people now who are struggling to make ends meet and in the not too distant future, some of these people will be affected by austerity measures.

Sadly they too can end up like that sad lonely person – divorced, homeless, and jobless – victims of circumstances.

If you have an address, make sure that you are registered to vote. Please get down to your polling station and exercise that privilege and democratic right.

Millions of people throughout the world do not have that option.

Most importantly, consider for whom you wish to vote. Spend some time reflecting on your elected representatives, councillors or MPs. What have they done for you or your community?

How many times has he or she stepped up to the plate to defend your rights and wishes? How visible have they been, other than a photograph in the Advertiser cutting of a ribbon or presenting an award.

Ask yourself the question, what did your councillor/MP do when: 1. Opposition took place about the Weyhill Road Cycleway but the scheme got approved.

2. Money is being squandered on questionable road improvements schemes.

3. The Vigo Road bandstand was removed without consultation.

4. The on-street parking in the High Street was removed resulting in lower footfall of shoppers and businesses suffering.

5. The town centre and Chantry Centre needed support and ideas to spark regeneration.

6. The A303 noise continues to blight residents and the Environment Agency needs to be prodded.

7. The Airfield Business Park and the Hundred Acre Roundabout brought chaos to the top of Weyhill Road.

8. The empty properties on the industrial estates remain boarded up.

9. The A-boards so vital to town centre businesses are being opposed.

10. The visibility of law enforcement officers diminishes.

11. Bus services are curtailed and people cannot get to work or college.

12. Waiting times for GP appointments continue to be a hit-or-miss affair.

13. Roads and potholes are patched and not properly repaired.

14. Affordable housing remains in short supply.

15. Planning allows housing projects to go ahead without ensuring the necessary infrastructure is provided.

It would be remiss of me to not mention the visibility of some county councillors in the fight against the Cycleway, regeneration of the town centre and the A-Boards protest – thanks for being there and supporting us when the TVBC councillors are nowhere to be seen.

Please vote for the person and not the party. Vote for the person in whom you place your trust to best represent your interests. Most importantly, vote.

Let us elect politicians who are concerned with our best interests and are prepared to speak out.

Keith Cezair, via e-mail