MAY I respond to June Groves by agreeing that Andover did not need another pound shop, and has no need for more coffee shops, mobile phone shops, estate agents or charity shops?

Perhaps the emptiness of the bus station coffee shop indicates that saturation point has arrived for coffee shops.

As to spending on a more efficient bus service – how and why? You need a certain density of population to achieve cost-effectiveness coupled with key routes that will carry a sufficient number of passengers.

“Not all non-drivers are elderly.” I agree. Although today, most are. It will be interesting to see how long the P20 bus service linking Picket Twenty with Andover town centre maintains its frequency.

That is presumably aimed at the mainly young families on the new estates who may not be two-car families.

We must face reality.

The genie is out of the bottle with personal transport – we’re nearly all in a rush, no time to wait for public transport – must go now!

Except in large conurbations where a high frequency of service is viable.

Perhaps when Andover, Whitchurch and Overton are combined as the northwest Hampshire town, possibly called Andwhitover, it will have an integrated, frequent and viable public transport system.

And before you laugh, I can recall the time, in south Hampshire, when people who spoke of a Solent City were poohpoohed.

Can you spot many gaps between Southampton, Fareham and Portsmouth today?

Barrie Wickens, Linton Drive, Andover