AT the May meeting of Vernham Dean Parish Council the meeting was attended by Cllrs Richard Winch, Mary Perry, Julie Drury, Michael Knight, Haydn Watkins, Paul Nicoll and Will Hawkins.

Mark Doherty was co-opted onto the council following the resignation of Roger Smith after 25 years of service.

Election of chairman and vice chairman: Paul Nicoll proposed that Richard Winch be re-elected as chairman, Haydn Watkins seconded the proposal and all members voted in favour. Mary Perry proposed Michael Knight as vice chairman. This was seconded by Will Hawkins and was also carried unanimously.

Sub-committees: The sub-committees remained the same as last year with the exception of Roger Smith whose place on the planning committee was taken by Mark Doherty.

Acacia tree at Poplars Farmyard: A parishioner questioned the role played by the parish council in the recent felling of the false acacia tree at the entrance to Poplars Farmyard. The chairman replied with this statement: “It is incumbent on the parish council to ensure the safety of people and property within the community.”

With specific reference to the tree situated at the entrance to Poplars Farmyard, a parish councillor who is an expert in arboreal matters advised that the tree was diseased and therefore posed a potential danger to life and property. The council agreed that the matter should be brought to the attention of the landowner whose decision it would be to take any further action.

The landowner’s decision was to remove the tree which revealed the extent of disease and therefore demonstrated that the course of action taken was correct. It was agreed that Paul Nicoll would arrange for the landowner to talk directly to the parishioner to allay any fears that he has. Village assets use: The chairman aired an idea he had had that the various village assets are not getting sufficient use. He suggested maybe a letter drop / flyer advertising what is on offer. The chairman to mock something up and circulate for discussion.

Flooding taskforce: No update had been received from the flooding taskforce chairman but it was noted that two permanent sumps have now been installed.

Playing Fields Association: The association is still without a permanent chairman but events such as the Test Valley Tour and village fete are being managed and planned for. Richard Winch to talk further to Mark Franklin (a member of the association) to see how they can try and get someone in post. Paul Nicoll to advertise the position via the school newsletter in an attempt to attract parents to the position.

A separate meeting is to be held next week to look at finances of the association. Annual subscriptions for the multi user games rea are now due. The request from Richard Derbyshire (the football team manager) regarding additions to the grass cutting has been agreed providing the football club pays. Test Valley Borough Council have been approached to see if the requests are feasible, but no response has yet been received.

Parish website: A quote had been received to outsource the design of a new parish website but this was far too expensive. Hannah Clarke, a parishioner, is to be given free rein to design a new site. She is to be invited to the July meeting of the council.

Queen’s 90th birthday: Mary Perry reported that the Coffee Club had purchased (via the council) commemorative coins for the school children which were presented to them on Her Majesty’s birthday.

School: Julie Drury reported that the interim head teacher has now accepted a permanent contract with the school which is very good news and there is also a permanent Year R teacher. The school is working alongside the Playing Fields Association in organising the fete.

Church exhibition: The church is organising an exhibition of wedding dresses in the church and a coffee morning is to be held to raise funds for this.

‘Art in the Community’: Julie Drury is a trustee of Test Valley Arts Foundation and an event is planned in Vernham Dean on 29 Oct at the Burydene Car Park to promote ‘Art in the Community’.

Potholes: The potholes by the Manor are once again extremely bad along with the one near Rockmor pond. Michael Knight to contact Hampshire County Council’s Highways Division to complain. CPR training: Michael Knight reported that progress with the village Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training programme is progressing satisfactorily with eight volunteers so far trained.

Finance: The annual statement of accounts and reconciliation for the council had been circulated and agreed. The chairman signed these off for the annual return along with the annual statement of governance. The clerk requested permission to close down the redundant Nationwide account. This now has just £477.89 in it and no longer earns any interest as this type of account is no longer offered. Permission granted. Clerk to organise. Date of next meeting: 11 July.