AT the February meeting of Abbotts Ann Parish Council the following was discussed: Actions from previous meeting:

The clerk reported the gate-latch at the burial ground had been repaired free of charge by a local firm.

She had received three quotes for replacing the council noticeboards, and one for refurbishment. Cllr Lorna Haigh said they were nice noticeboards, and just needed rubbing down and the perspex replacing. Cllr Dale Wells asked where they were. It was suggested one be affixed to the outside wall of Burghclere Down Community Centre.

Lorna reported the results of the voting on suggestions for the telephone kiosk. The winning choice was for it to become an information point including local history. She would present ideas for the content at the next meeting.

Test Valley Borough Councillor: Borough Cllr Maureen Flood was asked about the road closure on Monxton Road advertised to last for one year. The chairman, Cllr Andrew Hayter, said he had been told the closure was needed to enable access to de-silt the pond in Monxton. Maureen thought it was part of Operation Resilience for re-surfacing roads. The chairman said that generally a lengthy timescale was given so that planning and works could be completed within the period publicised. He felt the road would probably only be closed for a few days.

Hampshire County Councillor: County Cllr Andrew Gibson asked if the parish council had any schemes they would like funded from the fines on vehicles using barred traffic routes. The chairman suggested improvements at St John’s Cross, one option being a staggered junction. He felt a roundabout could detrimentally encourage more traffic into the village. Dale Wells said the speed of traffic in Red Post Lane was dangerous. He had had so many ‘near misses’ that he did not drive there now. Planning: Councillors expressed concern about a proposal for further buildings at the Andover Business Park. Cllr Tim Abram felt it would worsen traffic problems. Cllr Colin Teasdale said it depended on the mix of traffic. The chairman considered the roundabout signage poor. It was easy to get into the wrong lane. Traffic was being pushed out into the villages, as drivers changed their route to avoid the roundabout. Councillors objected to the application.

Maintenance contract: Councillors had already considered the tenders received, in closed session. They were now going to adjust their specification to reduce costs, and would ask all the suppliers to re-submit tenders.

Risk assessments: Assessments had been carried out for the play areas and open spaces, by Tim Abram and Dale Wells. A dog-fouling assessment was awaited from Lorna Haigh. The documents would be presented for approval at the next meeting.

Annual Parish Assembly: Lorna Haigh asked the purpose of the assembly. The chairman explained the difference between a ‘meeting held in public’, where the public could only speak if invited, such as parish council meetings, and a ‘public meeting’, at which anyone had a right to speak. The parish assembly was an opportunity for all parishioners to raise issues with the council. There was no specific format.

A more informal approach than usual had been tried last year, beginning with people looking at displays from organisations and talking to their representatives. Refreshments had been provided. He thought the following question and answer session with councillors had not been so successful and suggested a more formal structure would be appropriate for that part of the assembly. The date was set for 21 April.

Pensions: The council was on track for setting up a pension scheme for its one employee.

Next meeting: On 2 March, at Burghclere Down Community Centre.

Rosemary Groves