THE satisfying aspect of appearing on the letters’ page, every now and then, is all about sharing.

Many names from my past, some very distant past, reveal themselves in one way or another.

It is good to know they are still around and some are even moved to put pen to paper.

Your regular contributor, old chum, Derek Weekes is one who writes an occasional interesting missive.

The latest old friend, writing in, is the 2nd Andover Sea Scout (crawling) Brian Forrest.

He and I share a unique achievement in that we were the only football players to receive yellow cards playing for the multi-successful Sunday League Conservative Club team.

We went through one season in the 70s unbeaten.

No rose tinted specs required!

I enjoy people stopping me and introducing themselves from my past!

They regale me with their memories which are even more colourful than mine!

It sets you back when you learn what you have forgotten.

Only last month John Whayman, an East Street primary school chum, did just that and produced a photo of East Street School with the both of us nippers appearing in it.

I attach it as, interestingly, there are so many pupils gathered together here and I feel most are still around.

I am front left and JW is at the back second right.

The late Chas Mabey is on the far right.

Recently a chappie approached me whilst I was in the dentist waiting room.

It was John Grey, who I used to sit next to in class at East Street school.

I had not seen these two Johns to talk to since 1954!

A lifetime of ups and downs have passed by for all three of us since then!

The letters page opens up so many doors and easily breaks down barriers and is a wondrous communication point and also, a fantastic source of local education and much fond amusement. Contact from as far afield as Australia, America and Cornwall has been forthcoming, and enjoyed, all prompted by letters on the net or in print so keep it up Mr Editor, you are doing very well!

John Porter, Millway Road, Andover