CATCHING up on a few back issues of the Advertiser, one in particular issue caught my attention for March 10.

The editorial mentioned that ‘Northerners’ are reputed to be friendlier than ‘Southerners’. Coming from ‘Upt North’ I took this as a complement.

When reading the Letters page I read the article titled ‘Test wait got angry’ by Mary Selwood. In particular, the section about the X-ray department of Andover Hospital.

Quote: “The X-ray department is a joke,” and decrying the staff for not being happy.

Well I have found the complete opposite in the Radiology Department. Not saying my wife and me go there often but we don’t have to tell the receptionist our names.

We have found that being courteous and polite seems to bring the best out of people.

The staff are always professional and as prompt as can be.

If there is a delay they keep the waiting patients informed.

Or could this change in experience be down to being from ‘Upt North’?

As a final response to Ms Selwood, there is another saying from my country origins namely ‘Manners cost nowt’.

Try it sometime – you never know.

Paul Maher, Sarum Close, Shipton Bellinger