AT the March meeting of St Mary Bourne Parish Council the following was discussed:

Basingstoke and Dean borough councillors report: Cllr Graham Falconer confirmed that there would be a 4.99 per cent increase in the borough council’s element of council tax.

He also reported that Testbourne and the Clere schools had done well in borough, county and national assessments, according to the scrutiny committee of the borough council.

Bells Meadow – update: Access from Bells Meadow to the footpath from the war memorial to the MUGA had been agreed.

The council was waiting to hear when it will be consulted about the ‘local connection of successful applicants for the shared ownership homes. It would also seek BDBC clarification on the notification process of ‘local connection’ for the rental homes.

Flood and emergency group – update: The application to the Community Challenge Fund for £4k had been successful and a further £1.5k had been granted by Vitacress. These funds will be used for flood prevention measures in and around the bed of The Bourne after consultation with the Environmental Agency (EA). There will be a flood barrier deployment exercise organised by the EA on 26 April on the recreation ground.

Sarah Cooney and Clem Jones had presented detailed groundwater and riverflow statistics.

Annual Parish Assembly: This would be held on 2 May.

Broadband – update: A survey form would be circulated in the April issue of ‘Hill & Valley’.

Electronic speed reminder signs — update: Councillors had received positive feedback from the temporary positioning of the community speedwatch equipment at different locations in the parish. Stoke was considering buying its own device through the Stoke village fund.

Footpaths: Cllr Tony Styles raised the idea of having copies of the map on the village shop wall made available for selling on from the village shop and pubs. The clerk will follow this up with Hampshire County Council’s countryside services and also consult with his predecessor.

Cllr Katie Dixon raised the question of a permissive path being allowed from Bourne Valley Inn into the village for safety reasons on the fieldside of the roadside hedge. The possibility of a similar path running from Cressington into the village might also be considered. The council agreed to take this matter forward in stages.