THE September meeting of Thruxton Parish Council was chaired by Cllr John Davis, with Cllrs Charles Milner-Williams and Ray Bradbury in attendance.

Also present were Hampshire County Cllr Zilliah Brooks and Test Valley Borough Cllrs Pam Mutton and Phil Lashbrook.

George Inn: Members of the public present were anxious to get more details of the proposed ‘change of use’ relating to the inn, which is now closed. The proposal is that it become a private dwelling, and the surrounding area be converted from a tarmac carpark to landscaped grounds. The general feeling of the meeting was entirely sympathetic to the plans, there being no dissenting voices.

Hedges: Another issue raised was the matter of hedges being in need of trimming back, and there was particular concern that the local beauty spot, Mullenspond, was completely obscured from view. The council had already raised this concern some weeks previously, with the landowner. Another approach will be made.

Noticeboard: The Lambourne Way noticeboard had been painted by Cllr Janet Graham but its lock fittings seemed ineffective and it was inclined to burst open with detrimental effects to the notices. Further attention is going to be needed.

Neighbourhood Plan: There was encouraging news on the plan. John Davis said progress, after much hard work, was such that it could soon go to the consultants and from there to the borough council.

Sports field: Some attention was needed to an entrance gate at the sports field where access had become difficult. It was agreed to get a quote from Fred Hopkins to fix this.

In the same area it was noted that several posts around the car park seemed simply to have vanished. In fact only eight remain from an original complement of 25. The sad conclusion had to be that they were stolen. There is no move to replace them.

Gated entrance signs: This concept again seems mired in what Ray Bradbury, in exasperation, described as bureaucratic nonsense: and it seems possible that the council will simply abandon the idea.

No HGVs sign: On a similar theme it was regretted that this sign recently installed, already criticised as being ‘too small’, had now disappeared from view due to unrestricted hedge growth.

Stream: There was satisfaction that the seriously overgrown stream bed between Lambourne Bridge and Hamble House had been effectively cleared by Bawdens, and on this theme Charles Milner-Williams suggested that a party of volunteers might be got together to deal with the stream bank by the Village Green.

Lengthsman: This scheme has attracted a grant of £1,000 for Thruxton to spend by the end of next March on general tidying up such as clearing footpaths, hedge trimming, clearing ditches, etc. Parishioners are asked to suggest, via the parish clerk, specific jobs that need doing. so that a list can be compiled.

Litter bin: The requested replacement bin, at Mullenspond corner, was not of the same type as the previous one. Phil Lashbrook commented that the previous one had been abused by the nature of the stuff dumped in it. It was hoped that this design would discourage such misuse.

Next meeting: On 4 October in the hall at 7.30pm. Parishioners are encouraged to come along.

John McKenzie