ANDOVER Town Council and individual councillors should not be immune from criticism when they do make mistakes, but critics need to remember that councillors give up their free time to attend committee meetings throughout the year, including cold, dark evenings.

I, for one, have not claimed a single expense during my period in office and would probably decline, even if I was entitled to them.

I wish that more members of the public would attend the meetings and ask questions during the period of public participation. Some have made valuable contributions, including former borough councillor Nigel Long.

Finally, I would again emphasise my voting against the grant for the gay youth project was not done on homophobic grounds but on cost grounds and fears that it would set a precedent for other groups. Stonewall and other national gay groups should have been approached first to see if they could give assistance.

Cllr Richard J Kidd Genoa Court, Andover.