IN HIS letter of June 15, Keith Watts appears to have forgotten to mention the near certainty of a plague of boils and death of the firstborn at midnight on 29 March 2019.

Is it possible that those writing on Brexit, on both sides, be a little more reasoned and stop the hyperbole and forecasts of immediate dire consequences if their personal point of view is not adopted?

Was the letter from the same Keith Watts who, as a borough councillor, led the campaign to introduce, at considerable expense, the 20mph speed limit in Whitchurch?

The effect of the limit, according to a detailed study by the county council, has been marginal at most and appears insignificant within the limits of statistical accuracy.

The study shows that limit has been largely ignored and has not and will not be enforced — what a waste of time and money at a time when local authority expenditure (OUR money) is severely constrained.

Shall we spend even more of our money on letting the people vote again, as you suggest, Keith?

Phil Cooper, Charlcot, Whitchurch