A SECONDARY school in special measures is making “reasonable progress”, an inspector has judged after the latest Ofsted visit.

Winton Community Academy has received positive comments on the behaviour of students and the quality of teaching.

The report states: “The ethos of the academy is very purposeful.

There is a calm and orderly atmosphere. Relationships between staff and students are very cordial and mutual respect is apparent.

“The students show pride in the academy and those who have been there for some time articulate that there is a changed culture and that hard work is the expected norm.”

Nathan Thomas, principal, said: “To hear an Ofsted inspector say that we have made immense progress in her verbal feedback was a fitting reward for the hard work my staff and I have put in to the academy over the past two terms.

“We have fabulous students and staff at Winton and there is a very different feel around the academy; the quality of teaching in classrooms has improved and we know what we need to do to improve it further.”

However, the report also picked up on areas which still need addressing.

It said: “Despite improvements in results in English and mathematics from 2013, the overall gap in attainment between those in receipt of pupil premium money and other students remained wide.

“Likewise, although there was an increase in the proportion of students making reasonable progress in English and mathematics, students in receipt of pupil premium funding did not make enough progress. The academy’s focus on developing literacy is improving the reading skills of many students. However, literacy remains low in year 9. The academy has plans to address this as a matter of urgency.”