EACH day we wake to breaking news.

It may be on the TV or radio. It may be news from family, friends ... but news breaks into our thoughts and lives. Sometimes, good news. Sometimes, interesting news. Sometimes, helpful information, like an unexpected ‘Snow Day’! Sometimes, worrying or sad news.

The God of the Bible interrupts people’s lives with breaking news! Good news for all.

God encourages heartbroken people with words of assurance that offer hope, forgiveness and love. To people whose choices may have lead them to feelings of failure — God offers comfort. With breaking news of complete forgiveness — all who come to God through Jesus Christ find that God promises to forgive and forget mistakes. This news breaks into our brokenness and brings healing, wholeness and comfort.

As we approach Easter, the love of God interrupts our lives with the reminder of Jesus who knew what it was like to be human, who also experienced ‘a troubled heart’, as he prepared for death.

God’s words of assurance were audible to the people who came to see Jesus whose resurrected body, three days after his body was laid in a grave, would bring about breaking news of joy to those in his day ... and to all throughout the generations. Yes, that includes you and I!

May we be a community of people who address the injustices in our world; speak out for those who feel powerless and voiceless; provide for the hungry, thirsty and homeless; care for children and vulnerable adults; ensure that animals are treated humanely; take steps to combat humankind’s pollution; care for our planet — people, animals and the environment.

May we hear the breaking news from God: “I love and care about you.” “I will always show you mercy.” “I forgive you.” “I love you with an everlasting love.” “Be at peace.” “Show love to one another, and care for the planet that I’ve entrusted to you.”

Jesus’ human life, death and resurrection, is breaking news ... The Good news that Jesus is God with us.

The Reverend Carmel Ieraci MA, Bridge Street Methodist Minister.