THERE are some words within the English language that totally sum up exactly what they mean.

I feel “autumnal” is one of those words for it conjures up, in the minds eye, all things representative of this time of year. So let’s enjoy more club photographs representing this bounteous season of natures activity.

After all ‘tis the season of mellow fruitfulness as evidenced by the vast array of autumnal colours on offer as well as the plentiful supply from the well stocked hedgerows, of blackberries, elderberries and that secret hoard of sloes with their unique, opaque bloom all in abundant profusion helping to make up wildlifes’ food banks.

Natures’ early morning regime is splashed with a kaleidoscope of luminous colours as the sparkling dew dances on the bejewelled cobwebs.

We experience the vibrant vistas orchestrated by Lady Landscapes’ sophisticated, seasonal brush strokes producing such true beauty - a spectacular masterpiece.

See the trees lightening their load as the wind entices psychedelic cascades of oranges and lemons blending with the gold and rich crimsons that appear to ignite, like burning tears, before your eyes.

The wonderful autumn hues provide glorious colourful joy as leaves jostle and prance together to the tune held on the breeze, vividly contrasting with the stark black and white of winter soon to arrive.

With this in mind we make time to sit by the river with suitable refreshments. We watch the elegant regal swans in their snow white finery and the occasional leaping fly-catching trout as they entertain us and ripple the crystal clear chalk stream water in ever widening circles.

Not long now before Jack Frost will put in an appearance although his chiselled artistry on the window pane seems to be a far cry now in this modern age. Long ago the glass canvas would be a naughty temptation and be attacked by a disfiguring, very cold, finger and mar the sparkling frozen pastiche. It had to be done!

Migration plans are high on the agenda as our feathered friends crowd around in an excited chorus of chirruping discussion. Watch them fly!

Our ever friendly robin nods his approval too as he portrays a very early Christmas card image.

These are just some of the multitude of signs that Mother Nature employs to alert us all to the foreboding, darkening evenings that lurk just around the corner.

So embrace this emotive time of year and gather in all good things that the autumnal season brings for how fortunate are we to be able to enjoy the exhilarating amphitheatre that is the “magic of autumn” here in little ol’ Andover.

John “Nature Boy” Porter Millway Road, Andover