WITH all students set to return to school next week, there are many questions on the mind of pupils and parents alike.

Schools in Andover have been issued extensive guidance from the Department of Education ahead of the return, with some things similar to when students attended school in-person from September, and other things varying.

One key question is how schools will handle any cases of the virus which are identified within their schools.

The Advertiser asked the education authority what the protocol will be, and a spokesperson for Hampshire County Council said: “The Department for Education (DfE) has published detailed Covid-19 operational guidance for schools to follow from 8 March, and the County Council is working closely with head teachers to support them in implementing these safety measures.

“This latest guidance includes the actions schools should take should anyone within their school community test positive for coronavirus.”

The guidance states that:

  • If a pupil or staff member test positive, they and anyone who has been in close contact with them will be asked to self isolate for the next 10 full days.
  • The school will notify Hampshire County Council and the school will be offered support and expert advice from Public Health Hampshire, based on Public Health England guidelines

While schools have been closed to the majority of pupils since December, they have still been open for vulnerable children and children of key workers, and cases have continued to be reported to Hampshire County Council.

In the past two weeks, there has been one case in an Andover school. This was at Balksbury Infant School on Floral Way, reported on March 2.

For further information on the DfE guidance for this return to schools, visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-schools-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak