My ‘Mothering Week’ started Saturday morning, when I had the opportunity to visit my mum at her ‘home’ in Charlton, followed by in the evening, attending mass at St John the Baptist Church in preparation for her birthday next Tuesday.

It must be the same for you readers, that we feel the presence of our loved ones as they draw near to us from time to time? I’m a firm believer that we honour our mums and dads when we simply think of them.

For instance, when something happens, and you stop for a fleeting moment to revel in the memory that a song, a scent, or a comment may produce.

Mum was passionate about Andover. Our family have vivid recollections of how much pleasure she derived, from seeing how it was expanding from week to week during the nineteen eighties.

We would drive her round, up and down the estates, in and out of the cul de sacs, watching her face marvelling at the differing architecture, that was prevalent in whichever part of town we had taken her to.

My photographs this week show, the challenge I recreated of litter picking around the eleven entrances to Andover, as I once did years ago and then walking back where possible, to the centre.

Sadly, litter picking is not a spectator pastime or hobby. One literally must walk the walk if you want to talk the talk. In the final analysis I must credit our mother amongst other things for my love of keeping things clean and tidy.

She instilled in us all, that how the outsides of our homes and businesses looked, was a clear indication and reflection of a person’s character, manners, and priorities.

Mum would no more expect the council to sweep up outside her shop, than she would expect the rain to stop, because it happened to be ‘business hours’.

I find as I’m compiling this week’s column, a surge of pride at my upbringing and to this end, hope you will understand why I would like to dedicate this as a homage to mum for Sunday.

May I also take this opportunity to thank the readers that leave positive comments for others to enjoy. I know I like reading other people’s perspectives on what has been written – God Bless – Manuela.