THE owners of a patch of ‘picturesque’ land near Andover have come under fire from nearby residents over plans to build a spa.

The proposed “wellbeing centre” would be erected at Freelands, Fullerton Road, Wherwell, to the west of the existing Victorian property, which is considered a heritage asset.

Landowner Matt Beer has submitted a planning application to Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) for a “single storey leisure building within the domestic curtilage of the main dwelling”.

He had previously been granted permission in 2020 to extend the site, which also includes The Boathouse and The Gaethouse buildings, in order to “modernise” while “enhancing the character of the property”.

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However, his vision is now for a glass and timber building, with two chalk treatment pavilions, inspired by Japanese spiritual architecture and “sympathetic to its surroundings”.

The application form states that work has not already begun, however, residents have reported changes to the environment to the Advertiser, including that the land owners have set up a barbed wire fence across one of the “most picturesque” parts of the river, and “hacked to pieces” several trees on the river banks to stop people swimming in the deeper area of river by the bridge that leads from Wherwell to Chilbolton Common.

Since the application was submitted in mid December TVBC has received more than 70 resident letters, objecting to the plans. Many have cited overdevelopment of the rural area, which is included within a conservation area, as well as the implications of greater numbers of people and vehicles accessing the site.

Chilbolton Parish Council owns Chilbolton Cow Common which lies across the river from the application site. It has said that the plans would be highly visible from the common and would disturb wildlife including bats, adding that it’s “not appropriate” in a conservation area.

These points were echoed by Wherwell Parish Council, which also said that the building would “detract from notable views” and cause light pollution.

Jo Corner, who lives on Chant Close, Wherwell, added: “The potential increase in traffic is also an issue, the road is overused as it is, with overcrowding of cars parking close to the long bridge in the summer months.”

Meanwhile, Daren Bowyer who lives on High Street, Wherwell, wrote: “The planning consent granted in 2020 was for a more discrete ‘retreat’ type use, while retaining residential dwelling as the primary purpose. This building has the sense of something going rather beyond that.”

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Alice Johnson, one of the neighbours on Fullerton Road, said that villagers feel “misled” by the landowners, adding: “The reality is that this is a commercial development. This causes me great concern as Wherwell is a quiet, peaceful residential village, with many beautiful aged thatched properties and the commercial outbuildings are simply not at all in keeping with that.”

In response to concerns, an impact survey carried out on behalf the applicant has stated that “mitigation measures have been provided including protecting the surrounding designated sites and a mitigation strategy for bats, otters, water voles, and reptiles.

“Implementing these mitigation measures will ensure that there are not any residual effects.”

The application will now be considered by TVBC. To view the application and associated documents online, visit: and use reference 21/03659/FULLN.

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