Test Valley is locking up its lawnmowers this month as we embrace No Mow May – and treble the number of urban meadows in the borough. Last year, as part of our work to tackle climate change and to make our green spaces more wildlife-friendly, we decided to relax our mowing regime across 8 hectares of greenspace - including at sites at Picket Twenty, Smannell Road and Beech Hurst Park. Encouraging grasses, plants and wildflowers to develop, providing valuable habitat for insects and birds. Not only great for the environment but making our parks, verges and the edges of our recreation space look even more attractive. Following the successful pilot, which included volunteer recorders from the Anton River Conservation Association and a number of local naturalists monitoring what species popped up, I’m pleased to confirm that we are trebling the area of urban meadows for 2022. From 8 to 24 hectares. You can find all the sites involved in the scheme via the Test Valley Borough Council website, which, for the first time this year, includes Hampshire County Council verge land.

Talking of special green spaces, following the successful delivery of the new Riverside Park last year, we have been conducting a significant amount of background work to help deliver future phases of the masterplan. Helpfully, the government have recently opened up the second round of their Levelling Up Fund – and we are busy preparing a significant bid, which if successful, will help deliver those phases, like the extension of the river corridor at Western Avenue, much faster.

Finally, I was privileged to visit the Koala Community Hub at their base on Bridge Street this week. Koala support autistic and neurodivergent people, enabling them to develop more social connections whilst improving their mental and physical health. It was so heart-warming to see the positive impact this facility is having. Giving our young people a space to be themselves and become more confident. I gave Koala £3.5k from my devolved county councillor budget recently to enable them to develop their offer yet further, helping more people. A huge thanks to Tori and the team whose idea, determination and hard work has created this special environment. I know they will go from strength to strength.