Friday 30th of September, the end of a month few of us will ever forget. Losing our sovereign will be etched into our subconscious just like the 9/11 attacks or the other heart stopping moment, when Princess Diana died.

I’m grateful that during these times I was here, nestled in a town that has so much going for it, that recently I spent each morning for a fortnight, photographing the shops and businesses that are operational, whilst still recording those that for whatever reasons have closed. I like living here with the amenities Andover has to offer, and a community spirit which is alive and well, and in great abundance right here in our town.

Our queen knew what wasn’t completely up to scratch with her country, but she chose to use her position to highlight what was right not only to her subjects in Britain but literally all over the world.

We could, I feel, follow her example by striving to promote what we have to others. So to that end, I promote our schools’ churches, bus and rail station, our police, ambulance, and fire station. We have parks, rivers, stunning trees, sport facilities, shops, theatre, cinema, cemeteries, crematorium, taxis, dentists, hairdressers, nail technicians, doctors surgeries, chiropractors, vets, hotels, bed and breakfast, motels, cycle shops, restaurants, bakeries, banks, building societies, DIY stores, pet shops, record shops, estate agents, post office, guildhall, book stores, remembrance garden, nursing homes, hospital, toys, fireworks, balloon shops, newsagents, garages, solicitors, accountants, jewellers, charity shops, supermarkets, continental shops, in fact we have a lot here. You can’t fly into Andover or sail into it, like you could Gibraltar for instance, but our road and rail links are second to none.

We have our own newspaper, radio station, and members of clergy that spring into action whenever anyone needs help.

Whatever I need can be found here, our town is in the middle of the Test Valley countryside, which others would have to drive miles to enjoy. Continuing our dearly departed sovereigns’ philosophy on life, I promote what we have, and appreciate how lucky I am to live here.