A STYLIST is all set to bring a clothes-swapping event to Andover to tackle the issue of fast fashion.

Helen Kershaw is launching Swish It!, a sustainable clothes-swapping event, on Thursday, October 20 at The Gin Palace in Andover. The idea behind the event is to encourage people to swap, rather than shop, in order to tackle the issue of fast fashion and the damage it does to the environment.  

Fast fashion is becoming one of the biggest environmental issues on the planet, with the fashion industry producing up to 10 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions and using more energy than aviation and shipping combined. The UN estimates creating one pair of jeans uses the equivalent of 10 years of drinking water for one person (Source: UN). So, it’s easy to see why the rise of fast fashion and the speed at which new clothes are produced is causing serious problems.  

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Helen has been a personal stylist for over two years with her business Natural Colour and Style and is passionate about slowing down fast fashion by hosting Andover’s first Swish It! event. For just £5, attendees can donate clothes they no longer want and then peruse the rails for a new outfit to take home and show off. Swishing saves unwanted clothes from heading to landfill and reduces how many new items need to be made, reducing the environmental impact of a brand-new wardrobe to almost nothing. 

Helen said: "When I first found out about swishing I thought it was great, I get to clear out my wardrobe and pick some fabulous pre-loved pieces, all whilst doing my bit for the environment and raising money for an incredible charity. When I got the opportunity to set up my own Swish It! here in Andover I jumped at the chance!" 

Swish It! isn’t just focusing on the environment, the team are keen to help people as well, with all profits and unsold clothing being donated to local charity, The Wardrobe Foundation, who supports vulnerable women by donating gift bags of clothing to those who may need help due to financial difficulties, abusive relationships, and many other reasons.  

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Helen continued: “Sustainability isn’t the only issue with fast fashion, the industry has huge ethical issues as well. Often there are very poor conditions for workers, predominantly women. So, we wanted to try and use our event for good, by supporting The Wardrobe Foundation, who will make sure any unsold clothes find homes with women who need them. Obviously, we want Swish It! to be a really fun afternoon - and we’re sure it will be! – but we also want it to do as much good as possible. Come along, have a drink, find a new outfit, and help people and the planet, what more could you want?” 

Guests can purchase tickets on the door in advance at www.eventbrite.co.uk.