A NINE-year-old from Andover is donating his hair to charity so it can be turned into a wig.

Hamish Manson is cutting off his hair and donating it to charity the Little Princess Trust to celebrate his 10th birthday.

Hamish was inspired to grow out and donate his hair after reading a book called Boys Who Dare To Be Different at the age of six, which featured a story about a child called Christian who donates his long hair to charity.

After growing his hair for four years, it is now long enough for Hamish to donate.

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It will be cut and sent to the Little Princess Trust on November 18, the day before his 10th birthday.

Hamish said: “I’m really looking forward to it.

“So long as I know I won’t have hair in my eyes anymore, I’m fine with it!”

Alongside donating his hair, Hamish is also hoping to raise the £550 that the charity needs to turn it into a wig.

At time of writing, Hamish has managed to raise £827, exceeding his original £550 goal.

Hamish has thanked everyone who has donated to the fundraiser and supported him over the past four years.

He continued: “Just a massive thank you.

“I’m the one donating the hair but thank you to everyone who has given the money.

“It’s also helping make a child’s life so much better.”

Hamish’s mum, Katie, said that she is “so proud” of his efforts.

She said: “When he first said ‘I really want to do that’, I think he was only five or six at the time, and I wasn’t too sure about it.

“I was a little bit worried about the teasing.

“Even over our summer holidays pretty much every day someone had said ‘your girls’ and had asked his sister ‘how’s your big sister’ and I’m like ‘oh, he’s a boy!’

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“And Hamish is just so great about it, he just lets it roll off his shoulders and didn’t make a big deal out of it at all.

“So the whole process has made me incredibly proud.”

The Little Princess Trust is a charity that provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their hair through cancer treatment and other conditions.

To donate to Hamish’s fundraiser, visit justgiving.com/page/euan-manson.