A WEYHILL pub has announced its imminent closure due to “ridiculous” energy price hikes and a “catastrophic” drop in turnover.

The Weyhill Fair pub near Andover has been forced to close because of the various challenges the whole pub industry is facing, according to its landlady Claire Revius.

She announced on Facebook that the 18th-century pub will officially close at 5pm on Sunday, January 8.

Claire told Advertiser that she is really sad to leave her beloved pub, but she has no option.

She also thanked her current and past staff for their support.

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Claire said: “I would like to thank all the staff present and past, the ongoing support from all my customers, in fact to everyone that has been a part of this pub’s journey.

“It’s a sad time for us all."

Claire took over the pub in October 2019 along with her husband Karl. Sadly, Karl died in December of that year due to a heart attack.

Claire has since been managing the pub alone.

She wrote on Facebook. “It is with great sadness I must announce the imminent closure of The Weyhill Fair Pub.

“Forced with the well-publicised challenges the whole pub industry is facing, the ridiculous energy price increases and catastrophic drop in turnover the pub will close its doors on Sunday 8th January 2023 at 5pm

“The loss of Christmas business-normally the cushion that would carry me through January and February means the long-term viability of the pub is too uncertain given the continuing rise in costs of products and utilities I simply cannot sustain any more as I have been personally for the last several months.”

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Claire said she tried her best to sustain, but things have changed drastically over the past years.

“I am terribly sad to be leaving the Weyhill Fair as you're all aware I do have such an emotional attachment to the pub,” she wrote.

“I have tried my absolute best but it’s simply not viable for the pub to continue.”

Fuller’s Brewery owns the pub.

Claire said Fuller’s also agrees that the business at the Weyhill Fair is “not viable”.

“What Fuller’s decide to do from here I do not know, I have been in discussions with them for several months and they like myself agree it’s not a viable business, just like many others in this industry.

“Not sure what my future holds, but I wish you all well and a happy new year 2023.”