A SCHOOL in Tidworth has retained its good rating following an Ofsted inspection.

Clarendon Infant School in Ordnance Road has been rated ‘good’ again in an inspection held on November 22-23, 2022.

The inspection team praised the leaders of the school, which includes governing body chair Andrew White and headteacher Karen Ward, for designing “an ambitious curriculum for pupils”.

The Ofsted report said: “They have identified and sequenced the key knowledge they want pupils to learn. Mindful of the high mobility of their pupils, they have ensured that this knowledge is revisited. This means that pupils joining the school are not at a disadvantage.

READ MORE: Cuckoo Meadow Preschool rated ‘good’ by Ofsted

“In reading and mathematics pupils learn well. This is because subject leadership has ensured that the curriculum is appropriate and that teaching is consistently effective. Pupils in the resource base also learn well because of well-tailored support. In a few other subjects, although the curriculums are well designed, teaching is not always as effective as it is in reading and mathematics. This means pupils do not learn as well as they could. Nonetheless, overall, pupils are receiving a good quality of education.

“In reading and mathematics, subject leaders work alongside teachers to refine teaching to make sure that all pupils learn well. As a result, teaching skilfully ensures that all pupils learn well. While subject leaders in other curriculum areas have identified key knowledge, teaching is not yet as consistent as it is in reading and mathematics.

The inspector noted that the arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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However, the report also noticed shortcomings in teaching certain subjects.

The report said: “Teaching is less effective in some subjects than it is in reading and mathematics. This means pupils do not learn as well in these subjects. Leaders must secure consistent high-quality teaching in all subjects to ensure that, across the curriculum, pupils learn as well as they do in mathematics and reading.

“Governors have worked hard to secure a federated governing body, which now has a clear organisational structure. However, this has taken some of their focus away from their oversight of school effectiveness and the quality of education provided. Governors need to develop their understanding of the school’s curriculum so they can assure themselves of the quality of education pupils receive.”