NEW figures estimated that 80 people were left homeless in Andover each day last year.

This was equivalent to one in every 1,631 people in the area and does not include the various forms of hidden or unofficial homelessness, such as sofa surfing or overcrowded homes. 

Polly Neate, chief executive of homeless charity Shelter, said they were expecting a rise in homelessness in 2023, with a cold doorway or a grotty hostel room being home for too many people.

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She said: “Our frontline advisers are working tirelessly to help people who are desperate to escape homelessness – from the parents doing all they can to provide some shred of a normal family life while stuck in an emergency B&B, to the person terrified of another night sleeping rough."

Across the South East, 26,832 people were estimated to be homeless on any given night in 2022 – one in every 346 residents in the region.

Cllr Tracey Tasker, the housing portfolio holder for Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC), said: "In recent years, the authority has invested hundreds of thousands of pounds in local homelessness services and has outlined its commitment to offering emergency accommodation to any local resident who may otherwise face sleeping rough."

She reassured that TVBC actively works to tackle homelessness long-term by working across partnerships to try and address the issues that have led to someone losing their home.

She continued: “Whilst there are people without settled accommodation, the majority are provided with suitable temporary accommodation while they seek a more settled home. The council also makes offers of emergency accommodation to local people who may otherwise have to sleep rough. 

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“We are focused on trying to prevent people from losing their homes in the first place and use a range of initiatives including rent deposits and discretionary funding streams to enable people to either stay in their homes where that is possible or to secure a new one." 

In the financial year 2021/22, TVBC reported that it had prevented homelessness for 103 households and relieved homelessness for a further 79. 

Anyone who is concerned about their housing situation and believes they may become homeless or threatened with homelessness should contact 01264 368000 or