WELLBEING experts across Andover came together as part of an exciting new event business networking event.

The event, which was called NBN Wellbeing Expo, was organised by Natural Business Network (NBN) and was held on Thursday, March 9, at Andover's methodist church on Bridge Street.

NBN is a friendly and relaxed business networking group where residents get the chance to meet other people and beyond business owners and community members and tell them about their businesses and interests, with the aim of building authentic relationships.

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A whole mix of experts attended the event including representatives from Andover Mind, Andover Primary Care Network, Andover Health Hub, Andover Trees United and many more.

Susan Risdale, the founder of NBN, said: "The event was set up for businesses and members of the community. It was the first one NBN has done and it went really well despite the terrible weather we had.

"There was a very warm and friendly atmosphere and we had lots of well-being experts come along to share information."

Susan hopes to hold more wellbeing events in the future following its success.

More information can be found on the Natural Business Network NBN Facebook page.