THE people of Andover have had their say, as record-high shop price inflation has seen everyday commodities reach prices never before imagined.

Advertiser readers took to social media to express their disgust when it was discovered that the price of Heinz Tomato Ketchup had increased in Tesco to £4.40 per bottle, and £4.50 for the '50% less sugar and salt' version.

One reader expressed her distaste by saying: "Daylight robbery that's what's going on!"

Whilst another reader wasn't pleased with the fact that the '50% less' version of the condiment costs more than the regular: "You mean we have to pay 10p extra for less ingredients… Outrage!"

READ MORE: Andover residents' reaction to the new government budget

Shop prices are now 8.4 per cent higher than they were a year ago, up from an 8 per cent increase in January and well above the three-month average of 7.8 per cent, according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC)-NielsenIQ Shop Price Index.

Another reader joked: "Soon the condiment will cost more than the meal."

Inflation on products other than food hit a high of 5.3 per cent, up from 5.1 per cent last month and above the three-month average of 4.9 per cent, with gardening tools and pet food particularly affected by cost pressures.