RESIDENTS in Andover have been invited to enjoy a whole host of summer workshops at a garden centre in Andover.

The workshops will be held at Dobbie's garden centre and will include The Little Seedlings Club workshop and The Holiday Club workshop.

Taking place on Sunday, July 7 the Little Seedlings Club workshop is set to be fun-filled and educational with a focus on how to effectively conserve water when looking after the garden this summer.

Children will learn about the fascinating water cycle in plants and why plants need our help to stay green and lush, particularly during the hotter months. Dobbies' horticultural experts will teach the children in Andover when to water the plants and how to preserve water usage through sustainable mulching and planting drought-resistant species like Cordyline, Lavender and Hebe.

Dobbies’ Holiday Club takes place from the start of July where children will learn about the different herbs and microgreens that can be used as pizza toppings. The Holiday Club session will show the different herbs can make to a pizza, adding bold or subtle flavours as well as having nutritional value

The children in attendance will also learn how to grow herbs and microgreens at home with ease.

Dobbies’ community and CSR communications executive, Chloë Bell said: “We are excited to be hosting two fantastic sessions for kids in our Andover store this summer. Not only are these sessions a great way to keep children entertained and busy during the holidays, but it’s a great chance for them to meet friends and try something new.

If you haven’t already checked out our free sessions, please do come along this July and get involved.”

Advance booking is required to secure a free spot at July’s Little Seedlings Club workshop and Pizza Planting Holiday Club.

The Holiday Club will run throughout the school holidays and residents are encouraged to visit the Dobbies’ website for booking as each store’s availability differs.