A COMPOSER from Stockbridge created most of the soundtrack for a film being released on Christmas Eve to support the NHS.

Alexis Croft worked throughout lockdown at his home studio in Stockbridge High Street to create the wall-to-wall soundtrack of David River’s film adaptation of his novel The Adventures of Sleepy The Magical Bear.

Mr Croft, who was born in Winchester, was one of 750 involved in the film which will be released on YouTube at 7pm on Sunday, December 24, encouraging viewers to donate to the NHS.

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Alexis, 57, said: “David decided to make movies out of the books he wrote 10 years ago during lockdown while the NHS staff were working so hard.

“He started ringing around and asking people if they’d be willing to do it unpaid. The project captured me and I was stuck at home anyway so I started sending bits off and ended up creating 90 per cent of the underscore.

“It’s the first time I’d done this sort of epic film score. David would send a bad mock-up of the scenes for me to put music to. It was quite frustrating because I never knew how the film went from start to finish but I think we’ve pulled it together.

“It took just over a year to finish the majority of the music but then there were post-production edits and I’m still writing music for the promo videos, with one being released each month ahead of the release.

“It’s been absolutely amazing, an incredible thing to be involved with. It was so wonderful to do something that you knew was going to be doing some good so I threw myself at it. It was a really nice way to spend all those months in lockdown.”

The 80-minute film uses 2/3D animation with live action created by actors using their mobile phones and green screens in their own homes.

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Andover Advertiser: The Adventures of Sleepy The Magical Bear - The MovieThe Adventures of Sleepy The Magical Bear - The Movie (Image: Sleepy Magical Productions)

The production follows the tale of Jenny Onion who finds a bear at a toyshop with many magical powers.

Chief executive of NHS Charities Together, Ellie Orton, said: “We are privileged to be linked to such a special feature film, produced during some of the hardest months of lockdown to create something truly magical.

“Thanks to the public’s generosity, we funded thousands of projects to support those at the frontline of the coronavirus crisis through our Covid-19 Urgent Appeal. With viewers’ help, we can continue to provide vital services and support for NHS staff, patients and volunteers across the UK.”

The Stockbridge composer will continue to work with David Rivers for the next film starting next year.

For more information on Alexis Croft and his work go to copperrocketmedia.com/.