THE Whitchurch in Bloom gardening group welcomed a judge from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) to see their hard work.

They hosted RHS judge Kevin Taitt on Thursday, July 6 the judging day for Whitchurch in the ‘Small Towns’ category of the nationwide RHS in Bloom 2023 competition.

The team, led by Whitchurch residents Caroline Wells and Kathy Hardy, have made huge progress over the past year, with activities for 2023 including adopting Whitchurch train station and transforming it with stunning planters full of colourful flowers, all with the aim of providing a warm welcome to train visitors.

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The visit also highlighted notable quirky floral features including ‘Coronation Bicycles’ decorated with flowers and the town’s wildflower meadows including the QE II Daniel Field and Millennium Meadow

Having won bronze in 2021 and Silver Gilt in 2022, the team have high hopes for this year and will learn the outcome of their efforts in September.

Caroline said: “We are very grateful for the support of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Whitchurch Town Council as well as our amazing team of volunteers who have worked tirelessly in all weather.”