THE number of women who will experience menopause while in employment is increasing, with many feeling they will either have to change their working routines or give up completely.

Similar to mental health or maternity provisions, frameworks and support should be in place to make sure that women feel supported when going through what can be an extremely difficult time in their lives.

One woman who is helping companies become menopause-friendly is Claire Hattrick, from Charlton, formerly known as Clipboard Claire, following extensive training she has changed her handle to become The Executive Menopause Coach.

READ MORE: Charlton woman, who struggled with menopause, launches her debut book on woman's health

Claire has completed six weeks of intensive training with the Kathryn Colas Academy, which provides professional and comprehensive menopause training.

Speaking of why she completed the training, Claire said: “You need to back up what you are advising but I think if I’ve got the qualification, it gives you that rubber stamp to say I can prove I know what I’m talking about.”

As part of her work, Claire speaks to women about their struggles, taking a look at their lifestyles and what their options are, along with carrying out workshops with companies.

She said: “I can do one-to-ones with women if they are particularly struggling or I can go into businesses with menopause workshops, including everyone in the company, this can make sure that if they have women who are struggling, they know what to do.”

Claire asks “why should women be left to struggle”, and she hopes that her work can help women be able to continue to work and cope with the menopause.

For one in four women, menopause can bring highly debilitating symptoms, such as sleep deprivation and night sweats, which can impact their daily lives and leave them feeling exhausted.

“With the cost-of-living crisis, we’ve got women coming back out of retirement and companies which can offer support when it comes to the menopause, women are likely ear towards working for them," Claire continued. 

“It is something that all employers should be taking seriously.”

SEE ALSO: Charlton woman's blog Clipboard Claire becomes lockdown hit

Claire is also part of a group including MPs such as Caroline Noakes and Carolyn Harris, other campaigners aiming to get the Government to improve menopause care in the workplace.

Claire began her career as a sales executive, and following the birth of her identical twin daughters, Abby and Beth, decided to follow her passion to become a beauty therapist.

However, like many women, Claire suffered from the effects of the menopause as she got older, and she received symptoms including “debilitating” joint pain.

During the lockdown, she started her blog, aimed at supporting women with a variety of issues, including the menopause and being a single parent.

Since its launch, thousands of women visit her blog daily to see what advice she has to offer.

For advice and how to book workshop with Claire, go to