THREE people from Andover will go on trial after pleading not guilty to charges of racially aggravated assault on a family.

Eric Cutts, 22, Chloe Baxter, 23, and Joshua Cutts, 25, of Venice Court in Andover, are jointly charged with racially aggravated assault between April 21 and 24 this year.

The three are accused of causing an Andover man actual bodily harm.

Eric Cutts is also accused of assaulting the victim’s son by beating him, while Baxter is accused of assaulting the victim’s daughter.

SEE ALSO: Man, 39, taken to hospital following serious assault in Andover car park

Joshua Cutts is accused of assaulting another man in relation to the same incident.

They pleaded not guilty to all charges at a Basingstoke Magistrates' Court on Thursday, October 19.

However, Joshua Cutts pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of cannabis.

Prosecuting, Asha Seenauth alleged all three defendants were involved in a sustained and prolonged assault. She said the victim received injuries to his nose and chest.

She alleged that the victim’s wife and children came out of their house and tried to stop it, but the children were also assaulted.

It is also alleged that when a family friend tried to intervene, he was also assaulted, the prosecutor said.

The case will be heard at Winchester Crown Court on Wednesday, November 22.