A COMMUNITY centre in Picket Twenty came alive with the warmth and colours of Diwali as the Andover Indian Community gathered for a spectacular celebration.

The event, held on Saturday, November 18, was a grand affair featuring stunning performances and a joyful feast that culminated in a display of fireworks.

The evening began with the traditional lighting of the Diya, symbolising the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

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Special guests included mayor Cllr Philip Lashbrook, mayoress Cllr Linda Lashbrook, Cllr Nick and Shirley Lodge, and community officer Imogen Colley.

The community expressed their gratitude by felicitating the chief guests with shawls.

The audience was treated to a Ramayana Diwali play.

It was followed by a communal dinner.

The highlight of the night came as the sky lit up with a spectacular fireworks display.

Check out the gallery above to see some of the best clicks from the celebrations.