MEMBERS of the Muddy Runners group have carried nearly 70kg of food items to Andover Foodbank as part of their latest run.

The goodwill event took place on Monday, November 13 and all the items were donated to the foodbank.

Beccy McCoy said that its "a nice thing to do" to support the community, especially around Christmas time.

A post from the Muddy Runners on Facebook said: "Fantastic turn out for tonight's goodwill run for Andover foodbank. We're proud to support this invaluable local charity.

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Andover Advertiser: The runners witrh the foodbank donations

A huge thanks to our club members for coming out in force to support them tonight too."

While a post on Andover Foodbank's page thanks the runners. It reads: "So lovely to see Muddy Runners tonight who carried nearly 70kg in donations to our warehouse as part of their run. Thank you to everyone involved."