A COUNCILLOR has questioned how Andover and Romsey hospitals sit within the plans for a new hospital in Basingstoke.

Test Valley Borough and Andover Town councillor Luigi Gregori said the local hospitals are vital to the communities and there should be clarity on plans.

Cllr Gregori, who seconded a motion by Cllr Sandra Gidley at a Test Valley Borough Council meeting to voice concerns over proposed changes to acute hospital services, said Hampshire Hospitals seem fixated on the Dummer site, at Junction 7 of the M3. 

Cllr Gidley proposed the motion for the council to make representations to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board outlining the longer travel times, downgrading of the Winchester A&E department and the reduced birthing choices available.

READ MORE: Test Valley Borough Council voices concerns over major hospital plans 

Seconding her motion, Cllr Gregori said: “The latest proposal comes with three options, the preferred is Option 2 with a new acute hospital in Dummer and a reduction of A&E and maternity services in Winchester.

“From an Andover perspective, whose population is now greater than Winchester’s, we seem to be basing decisions on historical settings rather than looking forward to the future. I do believe that we need to look at the functionality and accessibility of what is on offer.”

Cllr Gregori also raised concerns about the capital expenditure that would be tied up if Hampshire Hospitals get a full Government grant.

“Any build or option requires massive funding from the Government. The options will tie up capital expenditure even if they get a full Government grant, and medical inflation is higher than our everyday inflation.

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“In terms of functionality, maternity units including midwife-led need to have readily accessible A&E and intensive care. Similarly small psychiatric hospitals are co-located and reliant on Basingstoke and Winchester. What happens to them?

“Dummer is presently nor very accessible either for staff or patients and more work is required here.

“Finally, I would like to understand how our hospitals in Andover and Romsey, vital to our communities, sit within this plan.”