PLANS for a vape centre and bar in Andover have been refused as it would have had an ‘adverse impact’ on neighbours.

Igor Furtado applied to Test Valley Borough Council to open a bar and vape centre in Unit 4 of Bridge Street Mall.

Mr Furtado said the business would have been a “standard bar, which will consist of the retail sale of alcohol and soft drinks as a cocktail bar with the hybrid side of electronic vaping and not smoking”.

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The application said that it did not intend to sell any disposable vape pens or any products containing nicotine, instead customers would be able to purchase electronic vapes, which were “provided with nicotine free flavours from high end brands”.

Mr Furtado said that his company runs multiple venues with this structure and “no ventilation has ever been required”, adding: “As there is no legal requirement for ventilation in regards to vaping within a premises we do intend to allow customers to vape indoors as part of our products and services.”

However, a borough council planning officer raised concern about the lack of ventilation at the premises and refused the application.

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In their report, the officer said: “The application has not sufficiently demonstrated that the proposals would not result in an adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties from noise, and the application has not sufficiently demonstrated that adequate ventilation can be achieved inside the property to prevent an adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties from odours from the proposed indoor vaping.”

Environmental Health previously raised objections to the plans surrounding the potential for “unacceptable noise impact”, in particular through the proposed ventilation using windows and doors.

It added: “The proposals represent a significant risk to neighbouring amenity from noise.”